This is by no means a return, simply a forced holiday and if you're anything like me you held on to that corrupted Cold Vein copy you downloaded from Napster a decade ago. I finally acquired a physical copy, you can judge its useness from the battered cover but hey, these are antiques. 320kbps for optimal sustainability. Get it quick before I get car jacked by lawyers, Raspberry text input fields [zippyshare].
Hello there, I was wondering if anyone still pays attention to this blog, I do get a lot of DMCA file suspension notifications. Ear here. DISCLAIMER: Use SOULSEEK to find [out of print] digital audio files. We are in no way affiliated; it's just the best and easiest way. No download links from the 2008-2012 period work and will never be reuploaded.
Posting up stuff from Japan again I got to thinking why I've never posted World up, even though people have been leaving comments, sending emails asking for just THAT. You know, somebody probably already posted something like this, somewhere out there in the blogosphere, but if you haven't seen it, this one's for you. And, well, me. That said, no Thanks should be directed at me, because all these rips were dropped off at the comment section of a post that I can't find for the life of me! Might be a bit of a stretch, but hey, d…
right on top of you .karlo, my procrastination is fetal/fatal. if birds could dive we'd probably stay afloat. this one goes to all you dreadheads, swallows, robots, teenage hipsters and badminton players out there! EDIT* edit** working on it. up @ bandcamp
"Grindcore is love," I thought, some seventeen years of age. Life was ambivalent, except for when it came to love. Part of it came out with these recordings, initially meant for a split with Twitch Savant. Yet years go by, you know, maybe nothing even happens, but all of a sudden connections disappear, disintegrate in some strange post-natural air of our skyscraper hell. You might even think, for a while, "Hollow pocket, hollow heart - to slave away my body or my nerves..." Noisy nights. Keep looking. How many blastbeat…
Have you ever realized how well Realized grinds? That cover art might scream Classic! in both senses, but, erm, never judge a book by its cover. Why not? Why yes, pal. If you like your engine greased up a notch by a steady feed of blastbeats, rock'n'roll has come to a conclusion with 21st Century Terminal World. Alright, perhaps not - but we can always pretend! And this we certainly do, as if d-beat was ever a good answer to anything. That bass sure is heavy, um... One toke over the line, sweet Jesus. Guzzle that gas like grandpa …
Grind's not dead! Unlike Insect Warfare . Seems like it was shit well worth hearing, though. What insect were they on about, anyway? I could never figure that one out. Judging by the cover art alone, you'd think it was the Mantis religiosa, but its scythes are hardly crucial to a "death to all life" esthetic (killing hornets?). Must've been the bee. If bees go - we go. Unless you put your trust in an automatized future where we'll have our own lil' robots that'll pollinate instead of bees, as well as cook,…
Tracklist: 1. Self Deconstruction 2. The Anger Which I Wait For 3. Delusion, Confusion and... 4. Superficial 5. Present 6. Hypocrite Total playing time 4min 52sec Self Deconstruction was formed in February, 2010, after Kuzuha "left ... Sete Star Sept" because "many troubles happened in December, 2009." First, he recruited Hiroto for blastbeat duty, and after a while the two of them got Shimano + Kubine as male / female mic assault duo, making for today's line up. "Our music style is FREE STYLE GRIND." Well, it…
Grind is not a contest, pal. Grind is not a job. There is no High Priest of the Blastbeat, no place for flattery, sycophancy. Or at least we thought so - now fast music is for snakes? - until, for example, Magrudergrind established an acceptable prostitution, all by a few alright grind songs (conclusion on account of hypocrisy, nothing else / we're only words here, anyway). Lovely Labels is partly an answer to the question: are we with these guys and their efforts? [Includes "being in it for the music."] Quagmire is one man in…
Magnicide, Noisear. That's the fucking alphabet, there. And it's full-blown grind. Thank Rescued From Life for the realization (and damn , look at that roster: from Unholy Grave to Netjajev Society System). And these might be familiar bands for familiar readers, but we've a lot of catching up to do. If Noisear's dying to live, I'm writing to read. Love me do - I like grind! I LIKE GRIND!! That, and only that is the reason why the Wormrot guys - a year+ ago in Ljubljana - knew (yet couldn't pronounce) Cephalochromoscope…
This time around, I just want to remind you all of some of the bands that have inspired Cephalochromoscope in the first place. Why? Because the last DxAx-centered post seems to have been back around... December, 2008. Damn! So Cephalochromoscope is actually pretty old. We've never really noted the blog's birthday or anything of the sort; I just checked and the first post fell on April the 19th, 2008, which means that, in less than a month's time, the blog will be, uh, four years old. Anyhow, that first post was all but interesting;…
Tracklist: 1. Bottom King 2. Circle Template 3. Oratory of the Jigsaw 4. Arthropod 5. The Contortionist 6. The Arsonist and the Architect Luddite Clone is a burst of contradictory blastbeats and ambigously conclusive contortions. Starting with the band's very name, rational analysis increases risk of depression in adult chimpanzees, children dolphins, and ingenious humans alike. Hear that Oratory of the Jigsaw? Discordance Axis was putting Chang's Oratorio in Gray & Jigsaw to plastic around the same time. How's that for irrel…
Tracklist: Magnicide 1. Your Path Ended In Hell 2. Catcher In The Eye 3. Hello Misery 4. Abusetrap 5. New Blood Generate 6. A Life Of Meaning 7. Broken Cloud 8. What Lies Ahead 9. Not Dead Enough Toxic Revolution 10. Alemere Can Suck It 11. Speed Freaks 12. Scenepoint My Ass 13. Theme Song 14. Shallow And Plastic 15. H&M Crust 16. Coffee Association 17. They Live Nothing wrong about giving Wormrot all that attention, but do direct a few bits at Magnicide (!) "...another Singaporean band…
July 29th, the only day the Houston Press Music Awards mattered to some dude in Croatia. Never forget! Do you believe in noise after noise? Gotta Keep Death to False Grind Alive, that's what's up. Looking at you. Looking at you, baby. Hitler? Palpatine? Mao? Ahriman? (Hellfire) DISCLAIMER: Use SOULSEEK to find [out of print] digital audio files. We are in no way affiliated; it's just the best and easiest way. No download links from the 2008-2012 period work and will never be reuploaded.
Tracklist: 1. Scumdogs of the Forest 2. Hors(E)T on the Corridor 3. Klape Zu, Affe Tot 4. Hier Kommt Knut 5. Nazi Worms Fuck Off 6. Die Diebische Elster Von Brooklyn 7. Squirrel VS Glen Benton 8. Eichhoernchenwaterski 9. Moshen Wie Gott in Frankreich 10. Morbider Angler 11. Grind, Grind, Grind! 12. 16 Faeuste Fuer Ein Halleluja 13. Die Schnellste Vogelspinne Von Kiel 14. Knut For Breakfast 15. Schneckenozid 16. Knut 17. Elefantophobia 2 18. Arschbombe Des Monats 19. I Like Bands 20. Knut 2 21. Woody Woodgrinder 22. The Undertaker Decided to…
It's been a couple of Gregorian millennia and none of us will live to see any sort of historical conclusion to our century. The fragile quality of history might be worth a dime only in retrospect, hence I can respect The Beard as the actual entity (that was) behind Marx. Can't trust anyone / no time to waste / it'll all be gone before you know it. And here I am, considering grindcore with a resolutely notched grin ... "...using a blank piece of paper, the page of some notebook, as the point upon which one can develop / form a…
In this Lovely Labels installation, we really won't move much, at least if we consider the distance geographically (within the borders of Bretagne, is it?); some puny ninety kilometers from Nantes to Angers, a very comfortable drive for what my memory's worth, myself not hitchhiking for a change / courtesy of Jyb ( ZugZwang Prod. ) driving (both directions) with Tetsuo and a French band, whose name I forgot, on the stereo, yet I do recall nicely how they sampled - just as nicely - Allen Ginsberg's Howl on the opening track; that an…
We all know that independent labels with wortwhile, perhaps obscure rosters deserve at least as much attention as some of the bigger ones, and certainly more than the big ones, if you catch my drift. This is why I'd like to, well, not introduce, 'cause in this case, it already happened, but anyhow ~ I'd definitely like to give 'em a bit more space on Cephalochromoscope (hence the "lovely labels" tag), especially considering in what fashion we deliver what we deliver, i.e. "for free." I've known Jyb'…
Tracklist: 1. Intro 2. I Hope All Your Friends Die 3. Assassination Markets 4. Feminism Über Alles 5. Car Sex Crash 6. Fed to the Wolves 7. CBMP 8. Cut Up 9. You Suffer (Napalm Death, as if one man had wondered...) 10. Skramz 11. Maine is the Bastard 12. Aftermathematics 13. Outro I did already mention how Maine's own Robocop "makes you wonder how no band already made claims of instant ejaculation upon Alexander James Murphy's cold, metallic touch, how no non-cyborg organically dreamt up Burroughs-style phallic flesh-guns, machin…
A whole load of minced riffs - a genre one might better call ''shish grind'' (or simply ''šiš pank'' in our upper Balkans here). 'Cause hey, ''mincecore''? Not much better, really. On the other hand, pretty much everybody has had a close encounter with a kebab by now, and some of you also with čevapćići, I am certain. Perhaps the bands here sing against this whole culture of shish (yet, wouldn't ''sakatat'' translate to something along the lines of ''offal'&#…
Fastcore, grindcore, etc. What the Sakatat trio pulls of is comparable to a drill the size of a train merely doing its thing. Yup, they're naturals. And not only are they devastating by themselves, but they also do an Assück cover on this one (Wall of Shame). Matka Teresa, on the other hand, like the slow, filthy violence, but - of course - only in-between "lenghty" amounts of The Speed. Sure, they might sound like Mother Theresa, had she ever come to her senses, however, some sort of influence was obviously imposed upon Sakata…