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Cannibal Ox [USA] - The Cold Vein [2001]
SWARRRM [JPN] - Against Again [2000]
World (Osaka, Japan) - Discography (1996 - xxxx)
the Dreadful Eardrum Assault a.k.a. Teizoku Komaku Bohkoh [CAN/JPN/USA] - 動機死者 [2012]
Zmajevdah (Croatia) - zmajevdah v.0 (2008?2012)
Realized (Japan) - 21st Century Terminal World (2005)
Insect Warfare (Texas, USA) - At War With Grindcore EP (2005)
Self Deconstruction (Japan) - S/T (2011)
Sete Star Sept (Japan) - Demo #4 MC (2010) + Lovely Labels: Quagmire
Noisear & Magnicide (USA & Singapore) - Split 7" (2008)
Cephalochromology Class I: [AB]Use of Tags
Luddite Clone (USA) - The Arsonist and The Architect
Magnicide & Toxic Revolution (Singapore & Germany) - Abusetrap / Short-Fast-Loud LP (2009)
Insect Warfare (Texas, USA) - Fuck HPMA (2007)
Attack of the Mad Axeman (Germany) - Scumdogs of the Forest (2009)
Dephosphorus (Greece) - Axiom (2011)
Lovely Labels: Kythibong
Resonance of Spiral (Japan) - DEVBLU EP (2011) + Lovely Labels: ZugZwang Productions
Robocop (Maine, USA) - Robocop II (2011)
Sakatat, Archagathus (Turkey, Canada) - Ucuz Can Pazari, Slaughter-Extinction Split 7'' (2008)
Sakatat, Matka Teresa (Turkey, Poland/Netherlands) - Devletin Terörü Kimi Koruyor? / No Justice No Peace Split 7'' (2011)
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