Realized (Japan) - 21st Century Terminal World (2005)

Have you ever realized how well Realized grinds? That cover art might scream Classic! in both senses, but, erm, never judge a book by its cover. Why not? Why yes, pal. If you like your engine greased up a notch by a steady feed of blastbeats, rock'n'roll has come to a conclusion with 21st Century Terminal World. Alright, perhaps not - but we can always pretend! And this we certainly do, as if d-beat was ever a good answer to anything. That bass sure is heavy, um... One toke over the line, sweet Jesus. Guzzle that gas like grandpa & let the realization run you over. Good old crusty grind.

DISCLAIMER: Use SOULSEEK to find [out of print] digital audio files. We are in no way affiliated; it's just the best and easiest way. No download links from the 2008-2012 period work and will never be reuploaded.

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