Cephalochromoscope is a blogzine / webzine about grindcore and generally noisy, fast stuff, as well as music at the speed of a tectonic plate.
Think Discordance Axis, Swarrrm, Mortalized, Corrupted, Birushanah (many Japanese bands, yes).
We deal in reviews, interviews, all that jazz. Including actual jazz.
If you're a band, submissions are welcome, but we make no promises.
We prefer free music (digitally).
Use the e-mail address below for all inquiries and expect to be judged by this guy:
zmajeee (at) yahoo (dot) com
Corrupting the blogosphere since 2008, notwithstanding our 2013-2020 hiatus after the e-pocalypse!
If you wish to contribute let me know 'cause many good people have met during the golden age.