The last track on the second CD [King Addies Multi Mega Death Mix] sound like damaged media [I can't see how it would be consciously put there] sorry but I realized this as I was digitalizing the insert, maybe that's why I paid 12,99$ CDN for it [what a rip-off]... So, you're probably sitting at your cubicle and wondering if a 255.29mb file with one [but one good] sketchy song is worth running the additional risk of having your massive mp3 collection caught by some random IT guy, come on man, you know you can trust me.
Cephalochromoscope means grindcore and generally noisy, fast stuff, as well as music at the speed of a tectonic plate. Think Discordance Axis, Swarrrm, Corrupted Birushanah... Reviews, interviews, all that jazz. Let me know if you wish to contribute. Submissions are welcome, but we make no promises. For inquiries see this page.