Exp (Usa) - Exp (1996)

Guts Of Darkness is an awesome french-speaking website dedicated to dark and experimental music. How much awesome ? Well, I could go into a boring namedropping session of all the stuff it made me discover, but I'll just say one : Discordance Axis.

Yep, that's right. Eternal gratitude.

It also made me discover this gem : Exp. This is their first and only album from 1996. The line-up includes Paris and Rozz Williams from Christian Death. As I have never gace a listen to this band, I have no idea if the two sound similar. All I can say is that Exp is qualified as "experimental indus ethno gothic jazz" on G.O.D. Bless you.

Quite an accurate description actually, mostly because I have no idea on how to describe it myself.

Like, at all.

All kind of words come to my mind when I listen to it. Smoke. Travels. A setting sun. That Stephen king novel about fog. The Orient. Static noise in the voice of a child. Heathen rituals. And yet none of them seems to nail it.

Seriously, it's been like a month or two since I've first planned to post it, but I could not put myself into writing a goddamn article about it. Then I realized people probably cared more about the music than what I could write about it. So finally, here it is.

Ne me quitte pas.

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  1. The "filth" tag properly describes the heavy noir(e) atmosphere on this one. Stuff's great.

  2. awesome post guys...thx for this!!!!
