1. It Comes
2. Rust Belt Pride
3. Old Friend
4. Uncertainty
5. Stand and Fight
Total playing time 10:08
Submitted by Matt.
Sure, the HxC might stand for hockey, but it's all good as long as there's enthusiasm, I say. Although the whole gang decisively shouts words in your face, Michigan's Sawchuk like their hardcore raw and old-school - no tough guy breakdown bullshit. Think Have Heart and all that. So if that's your kind of deal, better do Matt and the rest of the band a favor and have a listen. Lyrics are included in the zip file which is a seriously great thing for a change. Here's their myspace, too.
Down Load Pride (Mediafire)
"I saw an old friend today
Memories swarmed my senses
Like all good things no longer meaningful
It faded away
Divergent paths on the road of life
Did he move ahead?
Or did I fall behind?"
thanks dude im downloading now, i love hardcore but mostly late 80s early 90's old youth crew style, not the new shit