Panaceja (Croatia) - Mrtav Život (2004)

Photobucket Tracklist: 1. Da li se isplati? 2. Očekujem li previše 3. Budućnost 4. Kapitalističko žderanje 5. Svačiji život je isto vrijedan 6. Sad počinje rat 7. Interdikt 8. Kon... 9. Kad umiru iluzije umirem i ja 10. Metal 11. Bezimena 12. Lažem sam sebe 13. Vječna borba dobra i zla 14. Čekaj malo daj, daj Total playing time 20:50

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Panaceja's second and, sadly, last album. Just as awesome as the first one, though they slow down a little bit. I saw this posted on a few other blogs already, but eh, who cares + this is my rip. The album title translates to "Dead Life". According to the liner notes in the 7" split with Ghaddar (USA), Panaceja existed from 2001 till 2006. I will probably post this split in the near future too (it's actually a relatively new release, from 2007, but the Panaceja tracks were recorded in 2003 anyways). This CD came with a live video recorded at Viškovo, Croatia 03/06/2004. I obviously didn't include it in this post but you can check it out on youtube:

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