Cephalochromoscope embodied in ink.

Fuck yeah, 'scopers, this is the long-lost Lord Grimm, briefly dropping by to show off my new tattoo. I'll be back to posting weird shit soon for you to download and discard frowningly into an electric bin soon, as my studies are done and I have time to relax. I love to relax.


See you at MDF - I'll be the slightly lost-looking Englishman in a black beanie and massive trousers. Buy me a drink and I'll show you my accent!

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  1. Fuck, I said 'soon' twice in that sentence. If you'd been exposed to the blastbeats I have today, you'd forgive it...

  2. wait, does that say "cephalochromoscope"?
    we should all get matching cephalochromoscope tattoos! ;)


  3. You know, I need something for my right arm, I have a terrible thing for symmetry. A Cephscope image isn't a bad idea...

  4. Why the fuck am I posting as vith?

  5. and don't think we're not noticing that damn find discordance axis tat on your wrist either.

  6. The whole thing is a DA tattoo, it's from the liner notes of TID - but if any hot anime fangirls ask, it's an Evangelion piece. Dual purpose!

  7. I would have sex with that arm.

    As for a Cephalochromoscope related tattoo, I like the idea of a "heart in the bubble-box" (as seen on the banner) on the wrist (on the side, even) OR a picture of my face on your chest.

  8. ahhh i see it now. upside down threw me off.
